martes, 25 de mayo de 2010

unit 5 Rubrics of Speaking (in Project Test)

unit 5 Rubrics of Writing (in Project Test)

unit 5 Reflections

Reflection Unit 5

In this unit we got the opportunity to view and examine the different types of tests that could be developed and designed in order to evaluate a students’ skill. We also assessed the objectives for which that one particular test is made. The teacher is able to develop a test and have the students work and use several skills at the same time. We were able to see that each model and skill has a different value to which the teacher has to be aware of. In designing a test we did not only come up with questions and let the students do as they pleased, we kept track of an answer key along with a scoring record of the maximum amount of points to be obtained.

Claudia V. Castro Méndez
Saúl Montañez Pérez
Ericka Zamorano Zúñiga

unit 6 activity 2 Technique of Self-Assessment

We would use Rating:
Raiting scales: Students rate their own performance or progress using rating scale with descriptors.
We think students are familiarized with score numbers. In our point of view, if we give a meaning to each number it is going to be easer and they are going to respond quickly and acurately. For example, 3= excelent, 2= good, 1=need improvement, or other descriptor depending on the evaluation.

Claudia V. Castro Méndez.
Ericka Zamorano Zúñiga.

unit 6 activity 2 Self-Assessment (acording with our objectives)

unit 6 activity 1 Advantages and Disadvantages of Self- Assessment



The student becomes active in his own learning.
The student takes responsibility for his weaknesses.
The student recognizes which areas he has to work on the most.
The student can accept openly if he has done a good performance or not.


The student can lie about his performance.
They may not recognize their weaknesses openly.
Students may feel that they are not assessing good their own process of learning and may be afraid that the teacher doesn’t asses the same way.

unit 5 activity 1 Test

Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
Level #4 Global TestName__________________ Group: ________ Date: _______________

Listening: (15 points)

Instructions: Listen to the conversation of Joshua’s interview, and answer the questions.

1. How does Joshua go to school in Japan?
A. He takes a school bus every morning
B. He rides the subway at 8:00 AM.
C. He walks with a group of students.

2. Which item did Joshua NOT mention when talking about the things he takes to school?
A. backpack
B. gym clothes
C. school hat

3. What is one of the first things Joshua does when he arrives at school?
A. He practices his reading and writing.
B. He stands and bows to the teacher.
C. He puts on his gym clothes for class.

4. Where does Joshua eat lunch at school?
A. in his classroom
B. in the lunchroom
C. in the gymnasium

5. What time does Joshua probably get home from school most days?
A. between 1:00 PM and 2:00 PM
B. between 2:00 PM and 3:00 PM
C. between 3:00 PM and 4:00 PM

B. Grammar: (20 points)
a) Instructions: Answer the questions using two of the following words each time.

accident belt car card credit editor forecast
newspaper number room seat store weather window

1. This can be caused by bad driving. a __car accident____
2. If you’re staying at a hotel, you need
to remember this. your_____________________
3. You should wear this when you’re
in a car. a________________________
4. You can often use this to pay for
things instead of cash. a________________________
5. If you want to know if it’s going to
rain, you can read or listen to this. the______________________
6. This person is a top journalist. a________________________
7. You might stop to look in this when
you’re walking along street. a________________________

b) Instructions: Read this conversation between Brian and Sarah. Put the verbs in to the correct form.

Sarah: Brian! I haven’t seen you in ages. What (1) are you doing (you/do) these days.
Brian: I (2) _________________(train) to be officer.
Sara: Really? What’s it like? (3)___________________(you/enjoy) it?
Brian: It’s all right. How about you?
Sarah: Well actually, I (4) ____________________(not/work) right know.
I (5) _________________(try) to find a job, but It’s not easy. But I’m pretty busy.
I (6)________________(paint) my apartment.
Brian: (7)______________________(you/do) it along?
Sarah: No, some friends of mine (8)____________________(help) me.

Vocabulary: (10 points)
Instructions: Match words from the left-hand box with words from the right to form ten compounds.
Example: first-class

first well new known
easy good looking sleeved
five short hand handed
brand second going star
part left class time

D. Reading: (15 points)
“The Sixth Sense” movie.
Instructions: Underline the adjectives that describe each character.

Main Character…………………………………… (Played by: )
Cole Sear……………………………………………Haley Joel Osment
1. A sweet and intelligent but emotionally troubled 9 year old boy who is convinced that the ghosts of dead people are always trying to communicate with him.

Malcolm Crowe…………………………………………Bruce Willis
2. A very sensitive and accomplished child psychologist who tries to help Cole deal with his problems while also trying to save his marriage.

Anna Crowe…………………………………………….Olivia Williams
3. Malcolm’s wife, a seller of fine jewelry, who seems to be growing away from him.

Lynne Sear…………………………………………… Toni Collette
4. Cole’s loving mother, who becomes more and more concerned about his emotional and physical problems.
Instructions: Read the text below in order to answer the questions that follow (circle/underline the correct answer).

Plot Summary
This is the story of an intelligent and gentle 9 year old boy who lives in Philadelphia, and who happens to see ghosts. One day he tells his psychologist that "I see dead people. They want me to do things for them." He seems to be telling the truth. It is also the story of that psychologist, Dr. Malcolm Crowe, a highly intelligent and accomplished professional who agrees to try and help Cole, just a few months after being shot in the stomach by one his former patients! Ever since that tragic incident, Malcolm and his wife seemed to be growing apart, and thus Malcolm must work with Cole while trying to repair his own personal life.
Over time, Malcolm learns of Cole’s apparent ability to communicate with the dead, but seems unsure of how to help the child. In the meantime, Cole’s mother becomes more frustrated and scared, especially when some of his classmates seem to be physically abusing him. However, Cole himself remains strong, and in the end, it seems that he will learn to help Malcolm as much as Malcolm helps him.

1. Where did the story take place?
a) New York b) California c) Philadelphia

2. What happened to the main character?
a)He sees b) He sees c) He has an
the future dead people illness

3. Who shoot Dr Malcolm?
a) His wife b) A thief c) A patient

4. What was Malcolm’s problem?
a)He didn’t love b) He was dead c) He was becoming crazy
his wife

5. What happened at the end of the story?
a) Cole helps b) Cole c) Malcolm
Malcolm disappears disappears

E. Writing: (20 points)
For your writing assignment follow the steps given below.
Do you believe in ghosts or Spirits of any kind? Write a short story (200 words approximately) about an experience with ghosts that you have experienced or heard about including as many details as you can.

Speaking: (20 points)
What thing did you most enjoy about your school life in your country? Talk with a partner, asks questions and write down the answer. Explain and discuss some of these topics:
the length of the school year
a typical day at school
teacher and student interaction
school rules (e.g., dress, hair styles, chewing gum, talking in class, cheating, arriving late, etc.)

Claudia V. Castro Méndez.
Saúl Montañéz Pérez.
Ericka Zamorano Zúñiga.

unit 5 activity 1 Project Test

Learning objectives and contents to be assessed

This is an integrated skills course that includes listening, grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation as tools to develop the 4 skills. It is a high intermediate level where students have to cover different objectives for each skill and tool. For listening, students will listen to a conversation provided by the teacher (tape) and they will have to find specific information about what they heard to make sure they understood the topic and based on the listening they will have to answer some questions provided by the teacher.
For grammar they will have to fix some compound nouns, put them in grammatical order to answer some questions matching the question with the correct compound noun then they are going to make a reading of a conversation so they start recognizing verbs and they are going to fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb. In the next exercise they are going to form some adjectives with words given, matching the words to form a compound adjective and that way they learn more vocabulary.
Te develop the reading skill they are going to read the summary of a movie and specifications of each character ; they have to identify the adjectives that describe the main characters, then they have to answer some comprehension questions about the movie to make sure they understand it.
For writing they are going to write a short story related to what they read about the topic of the movie and they will have to add as many details as they can so they use a lot of adjectives and the correct use of it.
For speaking S’s will have to get in pairs to interact with each other and start a conversation with some topics about common situations that happen at school in order to develop fluency when speaking.
We made sure to cover every skill because the students need to develop every skill in order to be successful in their learning and they can apply what they learn in real world with real needs. Since they are a high intermediate level we think it is important for them to learn more vocabulary because they already know the basic form of the grammatical structure of the language so they have to focus on learning more vocabulary to be fluent.

Test Specifications

Objective: To obtain a better understanding by expecting specific information provided in an actual interview. Ability to answer a minimum number of questions made in the conversation.
Format: An audio recording.
Task: To answer a multiple choice exercise (Choose the correct response).
Time: 10 min.
(1 exercise)

Objective: Identify and use the compound nouns in appropriate sentences as well as the present continuous in affirmative and question form used to in written and spoken form.
Format: Fill in the blanks.
Task: Write the correct form of compound nouns. Write the correct form of the verb.
Time: 20 min.
(2 exercises)

Objective: Identify the compound adjectives
Format: Matching exercises.
Task: Find the appropriate compound adjectives.
Time: 10 min.
(1 exercise)

Objective: To infer and look for specific information from a summary of a movie
Format: A narrative.
Task: Answer some comprehension questions/ multiple choice items.
Time: 10 min.
(1 exercise)

Objective: To write a narrative paragraph of 200-250 words including the 4 main elements using as many adjectives as they can.
Format: Narrative story.
Task: Write a story.
Time: 30 min.
(1 exercise)

Objectives: To reflect and show your personal likes and dislikes of school memories. Make use of proper vocabulary, pronunciation without fear of making mistakes (with a partner). To better memorize the conversation write down the questions you made and the answers that were given.
Format: Prompts to make a conversation in pairs.
Task: students work in pairs, they ask each other several questions regarding school memories and write down the answer.
Time: 10 min. maximum per pair of students
(1 exercise)

Answer Key and Scoring

Instructions: Listen to the conversation of Joshua’s interview, and answer the questions.
1. He walks with a group of students.
2. C. school hat.
3. B. He stands and bows to the teacher.
4. A. in his classroom.
5. B. between 2:00 PM and 3:00 PM.

a) Instructions: Answer the questions using two of the following words each time.
2. Room number.
3. Seat belt.
4. Credit card
5. Forecast weather.
6. Newspaper editor.
7. Window store.

b) Instructions: Read this conversation between Brian and Sarah. Put the verbs in to the correct form.

(2) am training
(3) are you enjoying
(4) am not working
(5) am trying
(6) am painting
(7) are you doing
(8) are helping

Instructions: Match words from the left-hand box with words from the right to form ten compounds.
easy-going good-looking
five-star short-sleeved
brand-new second-hand
part-time left-handed

Instructions: Underline the adjectives that describe each character.
2. Malcolm Crowe: sensitive, accomplished, child psychologist.
3. Anna Crowe: seller.
4. Lynne Sear: loving mother.

Instructions: Read the text below in order to answer the questions that follow (circle/underline the correct answer).

1. c) Philadelphia
2. b) He sees dead people
3. c) A patient
4. b) He was dead
5. a) Cole helps Malcolm

Comments by moderators
This test was moderated by each one of us (Claudia, Saul and Ericka). The test was designed as a group task so each peer developed 2 skills with different items, when finish to design them we proceed to revised them, thus we could correct some spelling mistakes and to do some format arrangements.
We discuss about an exercise that wasn’t enough clear, so we gave opinions about it and finally we were agree on the way it could be presented. That was helpful because we could improve the test arrange finding some errors we had not seen.
We read the test again in order to check that it were already okay and we realized that some of the instructions wasn’t complete and needed some arrange, so we rewrite some of them and we made sure that they were able to understand and that weren’t not too long to read. We think the items we chose were appropriate with each exercise we developed. We were agreeing that the test was valid and reliable.

Narrative and Evaluation of the Test
We came up with a series of tests that would allow the students to show their skills in a level they should already be competent in. The items, with which the students will be tested, were carefully selected as not to request something that the Ss’ weren’t prepared for. While taking in consideration the abilities of the Ss’, we also kept in mind what the teacher aims to acquire from the Ss’ results. The instructions to each selected area were clear and simple, as not to confuse the student and obtain a negative result. Also, each area was given a determined time frame so that the students could work adequately while the teacher either monitored the activities or went on to do one on one feedback.
When creating the tests, we also made sure of giving every skill a sequence; to allow students to get acquainted with the process and work their confidence up instead of down (sort of like a body warming-up for a sports player before his game). In this manner students started listening, grammar, vocabulary, continued with reading, moved on to writing, and lastly they finished with speaking. At no point were the students asked for more than they should know, since the activities were structure for material that had been covered in the course.
It was not that hard creating a speaking activity to wrap up the test, since the activity gives a continuance to some of the other areas to which the students have covered at the beginning of the test. And that’s what we had initially wanted when creating this test; to make sure that students reflect knowledge in the area, but also to be at ease and confident, by building up their self-esteem. Furthermore, since the activities were controlled and follow through with what the teacher expects out of the students capabilities, we believe they were created with a direct approach. Each area requested certain ability and we got that result, we want great students-so we built great skills.

Claudia V. Castro Méndez
Saúl Montañéz Perez
Ericka Zamorano Zúñiga.

unit 4 activity 2 Items

Name: ________________________________________ Group: ___________
1. Read the shopping guide.

Metro Department Store
Metro Department Store is very modern. It’s a great place for electronics. There are a lot of cool new cameras, cell phones, and even computers. You can buy many things for your house. The clothes are great, but the prizes are crazy! Everything is very expensive, but the clerks are very friendly and helpful.
Gracy’s Department Store
Gracy’s department Store has some nice clothes for your parents, but there aren’t many things for young people. The prices are very low. Don’t shop for electronics here; there are just a few cameras, and there aren’t any TVs or computers. The Music Department is great. They have many new rock CDs, and they also have some jazz and world music.

2. Circle true ( T ) or false ( F ). Rewrite the false sentence to make them true.

a) T F Gracy’s has trendy clothes.
b) T F Metro is very traditional.
c) T F You can buy TVs at Gracy’s.
d) T F Gracy’s has a good electronics department.
e) T F Metro sells computers.
f) T F You can buy cameras at Gracy’s.
g) T F Metro’s prices are very low.
h) T F Gracy’s sells many kinds of CDs.

3. Read about Payton’s Department Store and circle the correct word.
Payton’s is a small department store. There aren’t (1: much / many) clothes, and they don’t sell (2: any / some) electronic products. My favorite department at Payton’s is the international Market. It has (3: a lot of / many) French cheese, German chocolates, and Italian pasta. They also sell (4: much / many) Asian vegetables. They have (5: a lot of / much) kinds of Japanese tea. Prices are okay, but there is one big problem at Payton’s. The service is not very good. There aren’t (6: much / many) salespeople there, and they don’t give you (7: much / many) help.

Claudia V. Castro Méndez. ♣
Zenia López Lares. ♫
Ericka Zamorano Zúñiga. ☺

unit 4 activity 1 Assessment Techniques

Which assessment techniques do you prefer?

If I have the group already formed having used the placement test before, I would rather use the progress test during the course after finishing each unit because that way I make sure that they are learning the specified items. In case that some of the students don’t do well in the progress test, the teacher together with the students can make a review so the ones who didn’t do well can be helped by the others.

I would use the diagnostic test too so the S´s know their problem areas and work more in them with the help of the classmates and the teacher. This test is useful because the students usually have more problems in one area than the other and is good for them to know where exactly they have to work on.

unit 3 activity 3 Validity, Reliability, Practicality and Backwash effects

Validity: a test is going to have validity only if it contains forms and uses that the students have practiced in the lessons and if it employs exercises and tasks that match to the general objectives and methodology of the course.

Reliability: in order for a text to be reliable it has to be very clear with no errors, it controls to some extent how students respond. The instructions must be very clear too and explicit for all the learners. The reliability also depends on the length because long texts are usually more reliable than a short one.

Practicality: This has to do with the practical issues related to test selection, including resources, classroom characteristics, and methods of administration and scoring.

Backwash effect: This has to do with the effect of the test on teaching prior to its organization, and does not, of course, apply to all types of test. In a placement test, for example, here in centro de idiomas in UABC they make this kind of exam to place the student on the level they better fit on and any pre-teaching would destroy the purpose of the test. Similarly, a diagnostic test is to know the weaknesses of the students so they can know the areas they need to focus on more and again, pre-teaching would destroy the purpose of the test.

unit 3 activity 2 Analysis of a Test

What is the purpose of the test?
To make sure that the students learned how to use the future “going to” in the positive form, negative form and questioning.
Does it represent direct or indirect testing? (or a mixture of both)
This test represent direct testing because that way the teacher is going to probe if they really know how to use what they learned.
Are the items discrete point or integrative?
They are discrete point because it uses just one element at a time.
Which items are objective, and which are subjective? Can you order the subjective items according to degree of subjectivity?
In this case it would be subjective because the students have to write sentences in the different forms asked and if there are any mistakes the teacher has to correct them.
Is the test norm-referenced or criterion referenced?
This test is criterion referenced because the students can have some mistakes but that doesn’t mean that the student doesn’t know anything. If at least they gave the meaning or made sense with their answers is because they know how to use the items.
Does the text measure communicative abilities? Would you describe it as a communicative test?
No, is not a communicative test because is all about writing and comprehend the structure of the sentences. But it has a little of communicative because if they know how to write the sentences in the different forms asked then they know how to speak it and give it a meaning.
What relationship is there between the answers to question 6 and the answers to the other questions?
It has indirect relationship because if they use this forms speaking to their classmates they are going to be able to communicate.

Claudia Vianey Castro Méndez
Ericka Zamorano Zuñiga
Zenia Lopez Lares

unit 3 activity1 Types of Tests and Testing

Types of Tests

The different kind of tests can be identified taking into account the sort of information they provide. According with Hughes (2003) they can be:
· Proficiency tests
· Achievement tests
· Diagnostic tests
· Placement tests

With a proficiency test a student can be measured in his second language in order to see whether he is capable to cope with a specific situation (like studying abroad) in which he needs to communicate using the L2.
A clear example of this kind of tests is the TOEFL test that is applied to know if a student can follow a curse or semester at a Canadian university for instance.
The achievement tests are base in the syllabus content of a course, directly on the objectives of it. They are divided in final achievement test and progress achievement test, the former is applied to see if the student have achieved those objectives, and the latter as it name says, try to measure the progress the student is making.
An example for the final achievement test could be the final exam the teacher applies at the end of a course in order to know how much his students learned about all the topics covered, and one example for a progress achievement test could be that little quizzes the teacher applies his students about the topic they have seen, thus the teacher could realize if their learning is good enough or well progressing to go to the next topic or unit.
A diagnostic test is used to identify the weaknesses and strengths in the learning skills of a student. Perhaps a student is good in writing but not in speaking or good in reading but not well enough in listening and so on. This sort of test attempt to inquire in what areas the students are more proficient.
A placement test is the one that an institution applies to now the level of the L2 the student has in order to place him in the correct course. These kinds of tests are available for purchase but this doesn’t mean the same test is going to work for every institution. Each school has its own teaching program, learning features they want to work with, different levels of teaching, etc. (This sort of tests are bought, but also can be constructed by each institution.)
One example of this type of test is the one the UABC applies to the people who wants to learn a certain language at the Language Centre. This exam provides information about the L2 level the students has, thus the university could determine the appropriate course for them.

Types of Testing

Direct versus indirect testing
The direct testing is when the teacher requires the student to perform a certain skill in order to measure his or her knowledge on that skill, while the indirect testing try to measure the ability the learner has as a deeper base of a productive skill.
Discrete point versus integrative testing
Discrete point testing refers to testing independent language elements, like grammar, vocabulary, spelling, etc. “These can be tested by pure items (usually multiple- choice recognition tasks.)” (Lado, 1961.)
Integrative testing requests the student to combine those language elements, like taking a dictation or writing a composition for instance.
Norm-referenced versus criterion- referenced testing
The norm-referenced testing relates one student’s performance to that other student. The criterion- referenced tests uses meaningful criteria to see if the student is able to perform some tasks satisfactorily.
Objective testing versus subjective testing
The distinction between both is the methods of scoring used. When there is no judgment we are talking about objective testing (scoring of a multiple choice test) in contrast with the subjective testing when the teacher should give a score of a composition for example.
Computer adaptive testing
In this kind of testing the information gathered of student’s ability offers efficiency. The students are tested with an average of difficulty and then increase it or decrease on difficult language elements depending on the responses of the student in order to go to the apparent level of the students.
Communicative testing
This is centered in measuring the ability of communication and the best way to use the language including reading and listening.

Claudia V. Castro Méndez.
Zenia López Lares.
Ericka Zamorano Zúñiga.

unit 2 activity 2 Assessment Plan

Goal: At the end of unit 3 students will be able to interact in a shopping situation.
1. Students will learn vocabulary commonly used when shopping.
2. Students will be able to ask for products in ordinary purchases by using useful expressions.
3. Students will understand how some/any and much/many words are used with count and non count nouns.

Assessment Plan

In the following assessment plan we will assess linguistic and non-linguistic factors according with the learning objectives of unit 3 covering the four learning skills.

Linguistic Factors

Writing Activities:

Reading Activities:
Reading comprehension

Speaking Activities:

Listening comprehension

Non-Linguistic Factors
Relevant content (in class presentation)

Formal assessment

Class presentation….20
ü Speaking (fluency)…7
ü Relevant Content…..7
ü Creativity…………….6
Informal Assessment

Claudia V. Castro Méndez.
Zenia López Lares.
Ericka Zamorano Zúñiga.

unit 2 activity 1 Informal Assessment

Informal assessment
There are many ways to asses our students informally in order to have better criteria when it comes to know the knowledge the students have acquired.
This kind of assessment has to be continuous and it hasn’t got to be a replacement for another kind of assessment and is not a way to avoid texts. Assessment criteria can be described in terms of what we expect our students to be able to do and it can be done by observing our students performance and abilities.