martes, 25 de mayo de 2010

unit 5 activity 1 Project Test

Learning objectives and contents to be assessed

This is an integrated skills course that includes listening, grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation as tools to develop the 4 skills. It is a high intermediate level where students have to cover different objectives for each skill and tool. For listening, students will listen to a conversation provided by the teacher (tape) and they will have to find specific information about what they heard to make sure they understood the topic and based on the listening they will have to answer some questions provided by the teacher.
For grammar they will have to fix some compound nouns, put them in grammatical order to answer some questions matching the question with the correct compound noun then they are going to make a reading of a conversation so they start recognizing verbs and they are going to fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb. In the next exercise they are going to form some adjectives with words given, matching the words to form a compound adjective and that way they learn more vocabulary.
Te develop the reading skill they are going to read the summary of a movie and specifications of each character ; they have to identify the adjectives that describe the main characters, then they have to answer some comprehension questions about the movie to make sure they understand it.
For writing they are going to write a short story related to what they read about the topic of the movie and they will have to add as many details as they can so they use a lot of adjectives and the correct use of it.
For speaking S’s will have to get in pairs to interact with each other and start a conversation with some topics about common situations that happen at school in order to develop fluency when speaking.
We made sure to cover every skill because the students need to develop every skill in order to be successful in their learning and they can apply what they learn in real world with real needs. Since they are a high intermediate level we think it is important for them to learn more vocabulary because they already know the basic form of the grammatical structure of the language so they have to focus on learning more vocabulary to be fluent.

Test Specifications

Objective: To obtain a better understanding by expecting specific information provided in an actual interview. Ability to answer a minimum number of questions made in the conversation.
Format: An audio recording.
Task: To answer a multiple choice exercise (Choose the correct response).
Time: 10 min.
(1 exercise)

Objective: Identify and use the compound nouns in appropriate sentences as well as the present continuous in affirmative and question form used to in written and spoken form.
Format: Fill in the blanks.
Task: Write the correct form of compound nouns. Write the correct form of the verb.
Time: 20 min.
(2 exercises)

Objective: Identify the compound adjectives
Format: Matching exercises.
Task: Find the appropriate compound adjectives.
Time: 10 min.
(1 exercise)

Objective: To infer and look for specific information from a summary of a movie
Format: A narrative.
Task: Answer some comprehension questions/ multiple choice items.
Time: 10 min.
(1 exercise)

Objective: To write a narrative paragraph of 200-250 words including the 4 main elements using as many adjectives as they can.
Format: Narrative story.
Task: Write a story.
Time: 30 min.
(1 exercise)

Objectives: To reflect and show your personal likes and dislikes of school memories. Make use of proper vocabulary, pronunciation without fear of making mistakes (with a partner). To better memorize the conversation write down the questions you made and the answers that were given.
Format: Prompts to make a conversation in pairs.
Task: students work in pairs, they ask each other several questions regarding school memories and write down the answer.
Time: 10 min. maximum per pair of students
(1 exercise)

Answer Key and Scoring

Instructions: Listen to the conversation of Joshua’s interview, and answer the questions.
1. He walks with a group of students.
2. C. school hat.
3. B. He stands and bows to the teacher.
4. A. in his classroom.
5. B. between 2:00 PM and 3:00 PM.

a) Instructions: Answer the questions using two of the following words each time.
2. Room number.
3. Seat belt.
4. Credit card
5. Forecast weather.
6. Newspaper editor.
7. Window store.

b) Instructions: Read this conversation between Brian and Sarah. Put the verbs in to the correct form.

(2) am training
(3) are you enjoying
(4) am not working
(5) am trying
(6) am painting
(7) are you doing
(8) are helping

Instructions: Match words from the left-hand box with words from the right to form ten compounds.
easy-going good-looking
five-star short-sleeved
brand-new second-hand
part-time left-handed

Instructions: Underline the adjectives that describe each character.
2. Malcolm Crowe: sensitive, accomplished, child psychologist.
3. Anna Crowe: seller.
4. Lynne Sear: loving mother.

Instructions: Read the text below in order to answer the questions that follow (circle/underline the correct answer).

1. c) Philadelphia
2. b) He sees dead people
3. c) A patient
4. b) He was dead
5. a) Cole helps Malcolm

Comments by moderators
This test was moderated by each one of us (Claudia, Saul and Ericka). The test was designed as a group task so each peer developed 2 skills with different items, when finish to design them we proceed to revised them, thus we could correct some spelling mistakes and to do some format arrangements.
We discuss about an exercise that wasn’t enough clear, so we gave opinions about it and finally we were agree on the way it could be presented. That was helpful because we could improve the test arrange finding some errors we had not seen.
We read the test again in order to check that it were already okay and we realized that some of the instructions wasn’t complete and needed some arrange, so we rewrite some of them and we made sure that they were able to understand and that weren’t not too long to read. We think the items we chose were appropriate with each exercise we developed. We were agreeing that the test was valid and reliable.

Narrative and Evaluation of the Test
We came up with a series of tests that would allow the students to show their skills in a level they should already be competent in. The items, with which the students will be tested, were carefully selected as not to request something that the Ss’ weren’t prepared for. While taking in consideration the abilities of the Ss’, we also kept in mind what the teacher aims to acquire from the Ss’ results. The instructions to each selected area were clear and simple, as not to confuse the student and obtain a negative result. Also, each area was given a determined time frame so that the students could work adequately while the teacher either monitored the activities or went on to do one on one feedback.
When creating the tests, we also made sure of giving every skill a sequence; to allow students to get acquainted with the process and work their confidence up instead of down (sort of like a body warming-up for a sports player before his game). In this manner students started listening, grammar, vocabulary, continued with reading, moved on to writing, and lastly they finished with speaking. At no point were the students asked for more than they should know, since the activities were structure for material that had been covered in the course.
It was not that hard creating a speaking activity to wrap up the test, since the activity gives a continuance to some of the other areas to which the students have covered at the beginning of the test. And that’s what we had initially wanted when creating this test; to make sure that students reflect knowledge in the area, but also to be at ease and confident, by building up their self-esteem. Furthermore, since the activities were controlled and follow through with what the teacher expects out of the students capabilities, we believe they were created with a direct approach. Each area requested certain ability and we got that result, we want great students-so we built great skills.

Claudia V. Castro Méndez
Saúl Montañéz Perez
Ericka Zamorano Zúñiga.

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