martes, 25 de mayo de 2010

unit 3 activity 2 Analysis of a Test

What is the purpose of the test?
To make sure that the students learned how to use the future “going to” in the positive form, negative form and questioning.
Does it represent direct or indirect testing? (or a mixture of both)
This test represent direct testing because that way the teacher is going to probe if they really know how to use what they learned.
Are the items discrete point or integrative?
They are discrete point because it uses just one element at a time.
Which items are objective, and which are subjective? Can you order the subjective items according to degree of subjectivity?
In this case it would be subjective because the students have to write sentences in the different forms asked and if there are any mistakes the teacher has to correct them.
Is the test norm-referenced or criterion referenced?
This test is criterion referenced because the students can have some mistakes but that doesn’t mean that the student doesn’t know anything. If at least they gave the meaning or made sense with their answers is because they know how to use the items.
Does the text measure communicative abilities? Would you describe it as a communicative test?
No, is not a communicative test because is all about writing and comprehend the structure of the sentences. But it has a little of communicative because if they know how to write the sentences in the different forms asked then they know how to speak it and give it a meaning.
What relationship is there between the answers to question 6 and the answers to the other questions?
It has indirect relationship because if they use this forms speaking to their classmates they are going to be able to communicate.

Claudia Vianey Castro Méndez
Ericka Zamorano Zuñiga
Zenia Lopez Lares

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